* Hi there, welcome to my < Post Archives >. This post serves as a record from my former blog ‘Lil Sprinkles of Sparkle’ that I started writing in 2017. Please excuse the excitable tone of a 13 year old girl bubbling with enthusiasm and adoration of her baby sister 🙈 The website is still live so you’re welcome to check it out here if you want to: https://lilsprinklesofsparkle.wordpress.com/ although I’ll only be active here on this website 🙂 Happy reading!
(P.S. Contains external links to my WordPress blog)
Hi Guys! I am Kieona and I am located in sunny Singapore.

I guess you can call this a lifestyle blog?
I hope to be able to share my experiences and daily activities with you in this ALL NEW blog. (Yes… Yes… new blog, not to mention new USER too. So please do pardon me if some things look a bit off – for now.) I am still trying out new functions and playing around with the features but I guess I will be more familiar with this things along the way…
And if you would like me to check out you amazing blogs, do let me know your blog URL and I will make sure to check them out. 😉

If you would like to know more about me, feel free to click right here.
You can also follow this blog via email to receive notifications on the latest/new posts by email. (FYI, the “FOLLOW” button is located at the side bar of the home page.);)
*Future posts with (Conversation with “Le”) or (With “Le”) as part of its heading, will be some fun moments with Kielia! Just like this one! Check it out! 🙂